Products and Services Revenue Datafeed
The RGS Products and Services Revenue Datafeed and associated Classification System (PSICS) provides a unique structured taxonomy offering precise classifications and revenue information for the products and services of global publicly listed companies
Product and Services Revenues

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What is PSICS?

350+ unique Product Categories with associated Revenue Data for 1,500+ publicly listed companies.

RGS' Products and Services Industry Classification System (PSICS) is a unique, structured taxonomy offering precise classifications for the products and services of global publicly listed companies. We have developed standardized industry-level definitions of products and services to overcome the challenge of non-standardized company disclosures of business lines.

We have also connected these standardized products and services to main Environmental and Social Impacts to highlight key risks & opportunities.


Why is PSICS useful?

Enables a better understanding of where companies make revenues across their product ranges and the external ESG impacts they create as a result.

The RGS PSICS tool provides a systematic approach to analyzing a company’s exposure to specific products and services. Users can create more granular peer groups, identify industry competitors and exposure to ESG risks & opportunities based on a company’s product portfolio. Use case examples include fundamental company analysis, portfolio construction, thematic investing and index creation or integration of ESG Impacts in the equity research process.

How is PSICS working?

We invite you to try our demo below! Search company names and see how each company's revenue is broken down into standardized product groups with associated revenue data. We also took the extra step to provide you with the relevant Environmental and Social Impacts. Are you interested in other companies offering the same products and services? Just click on a product category name, and we will provide you with a list of global publicly listed companies and their exposure to the given product category. Contact us to learn more or to access the full dataset.